What is the purposes of the labor laws
What is the purposes of the labor laws

what is the purposes of the labor laws

A business that makes less than $500,000 a year can pay less than minimum wage unless it is involved in interstate commerce or is a hospital, school, or government agency.If not, then the employer is supposed to make up the difference but in many cases may not. Tipped employees are paid $2.13/hour if that hourly pay and tips combined make up the equivalent of the federal minimum wage.Workers with disabilities can receive a special minimum wage if the disability lowers their productivity.

what is the purposes of the labor laws

According to 1996 FLSA amendments, those under age 20 may be paid no less than $4.25/hour by their employer in the first 90 calendar days after they are first employed.High-school students who are age 16 or older and who are enrolled in vocational education classes may be paid 75% of the minimum wage if their employer obtains a certificate from the DOL.Employers who hire full-time students in retail or service stores, agriculture, or colleges and universities can obtain a certificate from the DOL allowing the student to be paid 85% of the minimum wage.

What is the purposes of the labor laws